Sunday, November 11, 2012

Time Management

What is Time Management ? 

Time management is one of the essential skills in successful study, thus its a matter of how we use the time we have, therefore effective time management means using the time in an efficient manner (RMIT, 2012). As what author understood to be an efficient time manager, an usage of a to do list or reminders are essential, in the current developing world with high end technology many types of devices or ways can be used , for example usage of smart phones, PDAs etc.

As this module is mainly based on practical knowledge, sir kicked off the class with an interactive session, which was filling the jar with objects. The activity is as follows;

 The image left shows a bottle of water, small pebbles and big stones. We are suppose to fill the big jar with all the items left out.
If the jar needed to be filled with all the items, first the large stones should be put in, then the pebbles and finally the water. The reason for putting the stones first is that, it will occupy the space needed and then will have small spaces left to allocate the pebbles. Therefore as water is a liquid substance and it can flow anywhere, hence it is used at last.

What we understand out of this activity is that, the priority should be given to the activities which has are important and urgent, then only you move on to the other activities. Therefore it ensures that your time is manged efficiently.

Following is the activity which were assigned to do in order to measure the time left for us to study.
(Source: Penn State Learning) 

Time Management Matrix
This matrix is used to allocate your daily activities into four quadrants, thus it helps you to discover how much time we are wasting (Carl Copes Public Service, 2012), the 4 quadrants are as follows:
As we instructed, we divided our daily activities into the above quadrants.

Time Box

According to the Time box activities;
  • In the section Urgent & Important is for Perfectionist
  • In the section Not Urgent & Important is for Time Manager
  • In the section Urgent & Not Important is for Slob ( None of the Activities)
  • In the section Not Urgent & Not Important is for Doer

Finally author understand that time management is one of the most essential skill that should be practiced by students and professionals. Mainly when talking about the time management exercise , it simply shows the time left you to study, thus it is very important for students to keep a track of it in order to achieve better results. Moving on the usage of a time box is much preferable as it simply shows all the ways that our time could be wasted. Hence at last but not least author would like to mention  that time management is crucial for a successor.  


Cal Corps Public Service (2006) Time Management Matrix. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 11 Nov 2012].
R. Gore , M. (2012) Time Management Exercise . [image online] Available at: [Accessed: 11 Nov 2012].
RMIT (2012) Time Management . [online] Available at: [Accessed: 11 Nov 2012].

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