Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Re caption on what research is...........

Session kicked off by reviewing blogs of the students. Sir explained our mistakes and pointed out the places where we have gone out of the marking criteria.

Moving on, the second session started off with a very heavy topic:

What is Research?
According to Edison State College Library (2012), "Research is the investigation of a particular topic using a variety of reliable, scholarly resources." 
As stated by IFAS CALS (2008) There are three main goals of research;
  1. Allow you to have confidence that the conclusions you reach are justified
  2. Let you extend your conclusions beyond the actual people involved in your study -- to other groups, places, and settings
  3. Permit you to provide the most thorough possible explanation or understanding of the phenomena that you explore in your study  
Flashback on problem identification.....
We made a discussion on problem identification and the example which was pulled up was the fingerprint scanner.
The main reason for the invention of Bio metric fingerprint scanner was to cut down on the losses incurred by companies, due to inefficient pay roll tracking of the employees, hence it's by at least  70% of the consumers are supported by this system (International Journal of Science and Technology, 2009). Following shows a simple analysis of how "buddy punch" which occurs in traditional attendance marking systems makes a loss for the company.
Pay rate per hour for an employee= $20
Work duration per day= 8 hrs.
Units produced per hour by one employee= 100 units
Cost of 1 unit= $20
Loss when a buddy punch is done if an employee is 1 hour late,
Loss from paying salary per week from an employee= 7*$20
                                                                               = $140
Loss per year from salary                                        = 12*$140
Loss from production per week                               = 100*7*$20
Loss from production per year                                = $14000*12
Total loss per by an employee                                 = 168000+1680
Author would like to mention that above is one of the simple analysis made on the traditional method, thus it completely show the evidence that there is a major loop hole in the traditional methods and that it should be addressed immediately. Therefore author understand that clear research into the depth of the problem can cater majorly in solving a problem efficiently, it is very important that figures and facts are reviewed before arriving at conclusions of problems.

Applies research methods 
"Applied research is done to solve specific,  practical questions; for policy formulation, administration and understanding of a phenomenon "(IHMCTAN,2012). Author understands that applied research is used to study existing tools and methods in the purpose of applying it to obtain better results.

Nature of Research 
How to determine the production of umbrellas for supermarket based on a research. Basically the demand for umbrellas should be measured in many aspects, thus weather and seasonality factors should be concerned. When it comes to weather, past weather condition should reviewed, apart from that sale on the particular weather conditions should noted. For example on a rainy season the sale of umbrellas are high thus the supply should be increased and when it comes to seasonality, if it is summer black colour umbrellas are not suitable because of the heat factor, thus what colour to be produced can be determined by that.
Hence author understand that past data and future predictions are much valued when it comes to research and the nature of research varies from type of research we are making on.

We were given an interactive car example to explain the nature how business organizations work towards obtaining their long term goals of growth.
Car 1: With dim lights and broken wiper
Car 2: Average car with good wipers and lights
Car 3: Super car with satellites and many more options
These three cars are travelling at same speed on the highway at the same time. Road has block in 1 km, the first care crashes with road block , while the car 2 stops at the barrier without crashing and passes it to start again, finally the intelligent car makes an exit earlier by getting information about the block and maintains the same speed and enters the highway in the next entrance. Author understands that different companies work with various types of methodologies, the best company out of 3 is the car 3 because it managed to collect data and predictions and succeed in maintaining its speed without slowing or stopping, thus companies with lot of data and statistics will stride forward withstanding all the barriers ahead.

Theoretical significance:
USC Libraries (2012) states that theoretical significance means, "Theories are formulated to explain, predict, and understand phenomena and, in many cases, to challenge and extend existing knowledge, within the limits of the critical bounding assumptions"

Practical significance:
"Implies a research result that will be viewed as having importance for the practice of education or, in other words, it will be viewed as important by teachers, school administrators, policy makers, and others concerned about the day-to-day workings of education and efforts to improve it" (Pages.uoregon.edu, 2001)

Essence of Research 

Qualitative data: University of Wisconsin Extension (2003) mentions that qualitative data depends on data and observations, not numbers. As with all the data, proper analysis and interpretation is required to prove the fact.
In order prove the qualitative data following is required;

  • Questions you want answer
  • Needs of those who uses information
  • Your resources
Quantitative data: Its a process of which numerical data is collected or/and researcher transforms what is collected or observed into numerical data (Learnhigher.ac.uk, 2008).

 Whats is Deductive research; "Deductive reasoning is the kind of reasoning in which, roughly, the truth of the input propositions (the premises) logically guarantees the truth of the output proposition (the
conclusion), provided that no mistake has been made in the reasoning" (Brown University, 2012)

What is Exploratory research; It is conducted when there are no earlier research is done on the subject matter, thus main idea of it is to look at patterns, ideas and hypothesis rather than confirming a hypothesis (Palgrave, 2012).

After analyzing all the above information, author understands that research is one of the most important factors when its comes to the ARMPD module. It is very important to get an idea of how research is done step by step, especially following the below steps is very important;

  1. Introduction
  2. Background and Significance
  3. Literature review
  4. Research design and methods
  5. Preliminary suppositions and implications
  6. Conclusion 
  7. Citation 
Apart from the procedure it is essential that we notify the type of research what we are going to conduct, therefore our research methods should fall into any of the types that is mentioned above. At last author would like to mention that research should be done up to the point precisely.

Brown University  (2012) Deductive Reasoning. [online] Available at: http://www.brown.edu/Departments/Philosophy/onlinepapers/schechter/DeductiveReasoning.pdf [Accessed: 17 Nov 2012].
Edison.edu (n.d.) Lesson 1: What is Research?. [online] Available at: http://www.edison.edu/library/researchskills/Unit1/1whatIsResearch.php [Accessed: 13 Nov 2012].
IHMCTAN (2012) Research Methodology. [online] Available at: http://www.ihmctan.edu/PDF/notes/Research_Methodology.pdf [Accessed: 13 Nov 2012].
Learnhigher.ac.uk (2008) Analyse This!!! - quantitative data introduction. [online] Available at: http://learnhigher.ac.uk/analysethis/main/quantitative.html [Accessed: 17 Nov 2012].
Libguides.usc.edu (2012) Theoretical Framework - Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper - LibGuides at University of Southern California. [online] Available at: http://libguides.usc.edu/content.php?pid=83009&sid=618409 [Accessed: 17 Nov 2012].
Pages.uoregon.edu (2001) Statistical Significance vs. Practical Significance of Research Results. [online] Available at: http://pages.uoregon.edu/mgall/statistical_significance_v.htm [Accessed: 17 Nov 2012].
Palgrave.com (2012) Understanding Research . [online] Available at: http://www.palgrave.com/business/collis/br/docs/sample.pdf [Accessed: 17 Nov 2012].
SERSC (2009) A Brief Introduction of Bio metrics and Fingerprint Payment  Technology . [online] Available at: http://www.sersc.org/journals/IJAST/vol4/4.pdf [Accessed: 13 Nov 2012].
University of Florida IFAS CALS (2008) Goals of Research Design . [online] Available at: http://fycs.ifas.ufl.edu/swisher/6800_12/M05_Goals_Research.pdf [Accessed: 13 Nov 2012].
University of Wisconsin Extension  (2003) Analyzing Qualitative Data. [online] Available at: http://learningstore.uwex.edu/assets/pdfs/g3658-12.pdf [Accessed: 17 Nov 2012].

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Time Management

What is Time Management ? 

Time management is one of the essential skills in successful study, thus its a matter of how we use the time we have, therefore effective time management means using the time in an efficient manner (RMIT, 2012). As what author understood to be an efficient time manager, an usage of a to do list or reminders are essential, in the current developing world with high end technology many types of devices or ways can be used , for example usage of smart phones, PDAs etc.

As this module is mainly based on practical knowledge, sir kicked off the class with an interactive session, which was filling the jar with objects. The activity is as follows;

 The image left shows a bottle of water, small pebbles and big stones. We are suppose to fill the big jar with all the items left out.
If the jar needed to be filled with all the items, first the large stones should be put in, then the pebbles and finally the water. The reason for putting the stones first is that, it will occupy the space needed and then will have small spaces left to allocate the pebbles. Therefore as water is a liquid substance and it can flow anywhere, hence it is used at last.

What we understand out of this activity is that, the priority should be given to the activities which has are important and urgent, then only you move on to the other activities. Therefore it ensures that your time is manged efficiently.

Following is the activity which were assigned to do in order to measure the time left for us to study.
(Source: Penn State Learning) 

Time Management Matrix
This matrix is used to allocate your daily activities into four quadrants, thus it helps you to discover how much time we are wasting (Carl Copes Public Service, 2012), the 4 quadrants are as follows:
As we instructed, we divided our daily activities into the above quadrants.

Time Box

According to the Time box activities;
  • In the section Urgent & Important is for Perfectionist
  • In the section Not Urgent & Important is for Time Manager
  • In the section Urgent & Not Important is for Slob ( None of the Activities)
  • In the section Not Urgent & Not Important is for Doer

Finally author understand that time management is one of the most essential skill that should be practiced by students and professionals. Mainly when talking about the time management exercise , it simply shows the time left you to study, thus it is very important for students to keep a track of it in order to achieve better results. Moving on the usage of a time box is much preferable as it simply shows all the ways that our time could be wasted. Hence at last but not least author would like to mention  that time management is crucial for a successor.  


Cal Corps Public Service (2006) Time Management Matrix. [online] Available at: www.students.ubc.ca/health/download/guide_matrix.pd [Accessed: 11 Nov 2012].
R. Gore , M. (2012) Time Management Exercise . [image online] Available at: http://pennstatelearning.psu.edu/resources/study-tips/time-mgt/exercise [Accessed: 11 Nov 2012].
RMIT (2012) Time Management . [online] Available at: http://emedia.rmit.edu.au/learninglab/sites/emedia.rmit.edu.au.learninglab/files/timemanagement.pdf [Accessed: 11 Nov 2012].

About the term Business....

What is a Business?

An profit or non- profit concern organization which work towards providing needs and wants of the society. Thus profit organizations mainly concentrates on making profits where no profitable organizations work towards improving the service not making profits. (Sba.gov,2012)

According to BBC (2012), main objectives and aims of a business are as follows:

  • Survival 
  • Increased profits 
  • Growth 
  • Increasing market share

Thus it is very useful to have an objective because the staff can work towards achieving the targets at the end of the business year efficiently. For example the management could instruct the staff to achieve business growth by 10% at the end of the year, hence the objectives does cater to vastly in making the above figures. Most of the organizations set their objectives according to the SMART theory which is efficient and reliable.
However the main objective of an organization is to work on maximization of profits and reducing the costs.

What is a Business Process?
According to Sparx Sytems (2004), Business process is a collection of activities working together to produce a certain requirement of the consumer or the market. Hence they concentrate on the above objectives during the process.

What is downsizing in business?
As mentioned by Kortz (2011), downsizing means reducing the number of employees in the company to cope up with the prevailing economical status.

What is rightsizing?
Rightsizing means maximization of profits or the objectives and cutting down the costs of the company (Burrus et al, 2012) 

Identification of the problem background and analyzing.
We were made aware of how to identify a problem for our FYP submission, hence as the first step an organization or a community should be identified, then it should be centrifuged to obtain the sub sections of it. Hence come the step of identifying a solid problem which should be addressed. After that collection of statistical reports and other documents should be done, as evidence is needed to prove the problem. 

After all the above steps a solid analysis should be made upon the problem, to obtain a proper solution. Also we were taught how to write a problem statement in an appropriate manner.

What is a problem statement?

"It is a clear, stand‐alone statement that makes explicit what it is you are aiming to discover or establish" (WBS,2012).

According Schwartz (2007) a problem statement must include the following,

  • Lead-in;
  • Declaration of originality (e.g., mentioning a knowledge void, which would be supported by the literature review);
  • Indication of the central focus of the study; and
  • Explanation of study significance or the benefits to be derived from an investigation of the problem.

At the end of this session I understood the proper way of building up a problem statement in order to address a problem efficiently. Also how to use it in the industry to achieve productive results. 


AWLP (2012) Flexible Rightsizing as a Cost-Effective Alternative to Layoffs. [online] Available at: http://www.awlp.org/pub/FlexTool.pdf [Accessed: 11 Nov 2012].
Bbc.co.uk (2010) BBC - GCSE Bitesize: Different types of business aims and objectives. [online] Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/business/aims/partnershiprev1.shtml [Accessed: 11 Nov 2012].
Library and Information Science Editors (2012) What is a problem statement?. [online] Available at: http://www.lis-editors.org/bm~doc/editorial-problem-statement.pdf [Accessed: 11 Nov 2012].
Microsoft.com (2010) 12 Smart and Humane Ways to Downsize Your Business. [online] Available at: http://www.microsoft.com/business/en-us/resources/business-startups/budgeting-and-expenses/business-downsizing.aspx?fbid=r05i6u-zkm6 [Accessed: 11 Nov 2012].
SBA.gov (2012) Business Organizations. [online] Available at: http://www.sba.gov/content [Accessed: 11 Nov 2012].
SPARX Systems (2004) Business Process Model. [online] Available at: http://www.sparxsystems.com/downloads/whitepapers/The_Business_Process_Model.pdf [Accessed: 11 Nov 2012].
Wits Business School (2012) How to write your Research Problem Statement at WBS. [online] Available at: http://www.wbs.ac.za/download_files/research/research_problem_statement.pdf [Accessed: 11 Nov 2012].

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Glimpse of the module

With ending of the orientation week for the 2nd year the classes started in the following week. And our lecturer for Applies Research Methods and Professional Development was Mr.Syed Rehan.

Sir kicked of the first class with giving some glimpse of the module ahead. Thus we were noted with following facts as introduction:

  • Learning objectives
  • Module aims
  • Module learning outcomes
  • Topics covered during the semester
  • Recommended reading 

Further we were made aware of skills and careers in the IT field. 
Hence we grasped the following 4 main skill types in IT;

  • Ability to understand the problem - Problem Analysis
  • Ability to apply the suitable solution - Academic Research
  • Ability to design the solution - Convert problem to software
  • Ability to implement the solution - Artifact

 Accordingly sir explained about the deliverables at the end of the semester, thus we were supposed to submit the following,

 Final year project project proposal covering the following:
    •  Professional l format
    • Correct referencing
    •  Justification of feasibility and viability as anacademic project
    •  Clarity of project aims
    • Appropriate method
    •  Logical planning of tasks, level of detail
    •  Consideration of risks

Learning log under the following criteria:
    • Completeness                                                                         
    • Research & Follow-up                                                            
    • Task Completion, Cooperation & Involvement                      
    • Reflection & Critical Thinking          
Professional Curricular Vitae up to standard which we can present at a job interview.

At the end of this session personally I realized how importance is professional presentation is important at an job interview. Also understood important skills and talents that are essential when involved with the IT industry and how to enhance the particular skills to obtain productive results in the short run. Mainly I figured out the fact that working on deadlines is very essential in the college life and industry as well.